Well, here I am. I don't know why I am up so early, especially with my minor hangover but I decided to actually post- 2 days late albeit, but 4 months late in the big picture. So, I wanted to share some of the design of my website, through screen captures, cropped or not. Here is some of it. The main design is that most pages are galleries and when you put your mouse over a thumbnail on the left, the picture turns into a colored square (one page has red, one page has orange, etc) and once you click on this square, the larger picture appears to the right of the thumbnails. I would like the pictures to be larger, but in the end it works out okay. The website has actually been very close to completion ( i would say 80%) at least for it's introductory to the web for months now, but I have been in a serious fuckin funk. a funck, if you will. I have some changes to make to the layout but this is what it's looking like. I'm scared to ask for comments, bc if you dont like it it's a lot of work to change, but feel free...also, if you click on the pistures i posted above, it will bring them up slightly larger if u r interested
When I opened my email this morning i was like "yay! autumn!" So good to have your feedback. I can't wait to see your site up and running. You always do great work with Jenny. Share more of the thumbnails! How are you building this? I know nothing of setting up galleries... teach me! <3
Autumn!!! I need your help! I want to get my website up this week! Even if it's crappy and not nearly perfect... Any tips? I have my domain hosted on HostGator and ...it comes with some sort of content management system that is supposed to make it easy to build the site... eeek it's slightly daunting! halp!
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