I just wanted to share this photo 'cause this neighborhood cat, Maxi, is a real cutie. She follows people for blocks and blocks and makes herself right at home with you. She can visit for hours or just for a minute. She had been laying in our living room for quite some time before we noticed her tag, "I wander, I always get home," and I had to snap a photo of it. I'll bet the owners were annoyed at getting so many "we found your cat" phone calls, so they got her this tag... funny stuff.
Oh, but as I was grabbing the photo to upload it here, I noticed it was not as crisp as I had hoped. I wish the writing were super-sharp, but it ain't. The one below is a little better, still not perfect, but I don't like the composition as much. Can't stand her little head hitting the edge of the frame like that...
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