
three random oakland pictures

I love how moody this image is. It's a detail of "Your Future Revealed" by mosaic artist Jeannie Houston Antes. Taken at the Institute of Mosaic Art with the permission of their friendly staff who let me wander all through their building with my camera.

A 2nd-story window near Keren's house. I liked the pretty architecture, the soft light, and the monochromatic quality.

I've been reading this blog called Gluten-Free Girl, and the author's motto is "yes."
I was definitely thinking of her when I took this. Maybe I should send it to her... Anyway, I love her blog because she writes about cooking and family and experiences and living happily & even though it is geared toward those who have to -- or want to -- live gluten-free (not me, at the moment), she just has this beautiful perspective on food. She genuinely loves it. Not in a gluttonous way, but like she respects & reveres what food does for your body and she totally has fun making and eating it! She calls her husband The Chef and her new baby girl Little Bean.

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