My favorites from shooting on Saturday! We were lucky to catch a day without rain. Now it's time to plan another one...
We shot in the evening, very close to dark. Definitely need to use my tripod next time--some images that looked fine on my lcd were actually pretty damn blurry once I viewed them on a monitor.
My color correcting escapades proved my suspicions--I definitely need more practice in Photoshop. I know what I want to achieve with the images but don't know how to go about doing it well.
Also, Sabrina wanted me to tell you that she is wearing that pink ribbon you gave her! btw, I saw those images you shot where she has the ribbon twirled around her fingers--LOVE THOSE!
very cute.
any tips or suggestions? criticisms or ideas?
thanks, love!
damn, she is a hot peice! I am really enjoying these. I really like the one with her legs extended and the close up of her face. That is the ribbon huh? Fucking adorable! i like those by the street light... shit i like them all. you have awesome angles going on, you try so many different areas of phtotogrpahya nd your good at them all. I'm very impressed. I just stay mainly in my box of b&w and people i guess, but you are inspiring. By the way I have some pretty tight photoshop skills these days, so if you have ANY questions or issues about how to go about correctig something let me know, i will figure out a great way for you to do it.
yes! i am happy to hear that. i was shooting some outdoor stuff and having trouble exposing the shadowy and sunny areas correctly in the same shot. so i was thinking i could just 'shop two photos together to get it right. i'll show you some examples soon & yes, please give advice!
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