

I mentioned doing a Suicide Girls shoot quite awhile back and it actually did go down on May 1st. This is just one of the many fantastic pictures we took. More to come.


now i'm freeeee, free-wheelin'!

mmmmm yummy yummy yummy food.

I've been volunteering with our CSA, Freewheelin' Farm, by putting together our weekly newsletter (since I can't make it down there to actually farm, sadly). It has been a ton of fun these past two weeks and I have taken pictures of both of our deliveries!

Sooo good. They pull delicious food out of the ground and then hand it to us the same day! Plus we pre-paid so it almost feels like it's free!

Week 1, from left to right: Radishes, springs of Marjoram & Thyme, Green Garlic, Stockton Yellow Onions, Arugula, Fava Beans, the best Strawberries, and Pac Choi aka Bok Choy... The flowers were from Andy's mom's wedding (where we had a good ol' time & I took plenty of pictures... for another time). I just noticed that we also got Kale but for some reason I forgot to place it in the picture -- oops!

Week 2, from left to right: Arugula, Lettuce, Red Onions, Rhubarb, little Radishes, Kale, Turnips, Lemon Verbena, Strawberries, and Bok Choy! And look, the flowers are still going strong.

A couple more:


organic dog treats!

More pictures for work!
Our account manager and her husband are starting an organic dog treat bakery business on the side. Sounds fun! And the treats are homemade and people-friendly, too--my boss said the brownies were pretty good (they use carob, not chocolate).

What do you think? Would you buy this if you were shopping and these images popped up?